AI 文摘


  • By AI123
  • March 22, 2024 - 2 min read

作者: 小梁子AI绘画 来源: 小梁子AI绘画


关于动漫风格大模型AAM XL前面和大家分享过

Stable Diffusion【二次元模型】:高质量的动漫风格大模型AAM XL

Stable Diffusion【二次元模型】:高质量动漫风格大模型AAM XL制作精美插图



Prompt :DVD still from early 2000, Anime serie Pokémon, 【Character/Pokemon】, front view, medium shot, muted warm colors

提示词 :2000年初的DVD,《宝可梦》动画系列, 【人物角色/口袋妖怪】,正面,中镜头,柔和的暖色


Prompt :Ash Ketchum

提示词 :小智(主人公,始终梦想成为宝可梦大师。他善良、勇敢,对宝可梦之间的友谊和保护宝可梦世界充满热情)


Prompt :Pikachu

提示词 :皮卡丘(宝可梦品牌的代表性角色之一,它是一只小鼠宝可梦,黄色的毛发、尖尖的耳朵和红色的脸颊成为了它的标志性特征)


Prompt :sandslash

提示词 :穿山王(一种地面属性的宝可梦,外形类似鳞甲目动物,可以在地面行走。它通常是二足行走的,但也可以四足奔跑。大部分的身体是浅黄色的,腹部和嘴部是白色的。)


Prompt :Squirtle

提示词 :杰尼龟(一个温和友好的水属性宝可梦,圆润外形和微笑的面部表情给人留下了可爱友好的印象)

Prompt :Charmander

提示词 :小火龙(一种火属性的宝可梦,有着火焰尾巴和可爱的外表,展现出活泼、好奇和充满活力的个性,代表着热情和勇气,是许多玩家心目中的经典形象之一)

Prompt :Bulbasaur

提示词 :妙蛙种子(一种草属性的宝可梦,外形融合了动物和植物的特点,它的背上有一个看起来像是植物花苞的部分,代表着它草属性的特质;皮肤呈现出淡蓝色,这与它身上的绿色斑点和花苞形成了鲜明的对比;身体呈现出圆润的外形,让它看起来可爱和友善)


Prompt :A classic anime scene of the Saint Seiya character [character], wearing his [color1] and [color2] custom with [element] accents, striking an action pose against a swirling blue galaxy backdrop. The background is filled with stars, creating a celestial atmosphere. His eyes sparkle brightly as he raises one arm in a combat stance. He has [hair color] hair styled into [short/long] curly locks that flow softly around him. Artwork in the style of Studio Ghibli

提示词 :圣斗士星矢【人物角色】的经典动画场景,穿着[color1]和[color2]自定义的[元素],在旋转的蓝色星系背景下摆出动作姿势。背景中布满了星星,营造出一种天象般的气氛。当他举起一只手臂摆出战斗姿势时,他的眼睛闪闪发光。他把【头发染成】卷曲的【短/长】卷发,轻柔地环绕着他。吉卜力工作室风格的艺术品。


Prompt :A classic anime scene of the Saint Seiya character Thor, wearing his blue and red custom with runic accents, striking an action pose against a swirling blue galaxy backdrop. The background is filled with stars, creating a celestial atmosphere. His eyes sparkle brightly as he raises one arm in a combat stance. He has blond hair styled into short curly locks that flow softly around him. Artwork in the style of Studio Ghibli

提示词 :《圣斗士星矢》中的经典动画人物托尔,穿着蓝红两色的服装,在旋转的蓝色星系背景下摆出一个动作姿势。背景中布满了星星,营造出一种天象般的气氛。当他举起一只手臂摆出战斗姿势时,他的眼睛闪闪发光。他的金发被做成了短卷的卷发,轻柔地环绕着他。吉卜力工作室风格的艺术品。

Prompt :A classic anime scene of the Saint Seiya Storm character, wearing her black and silver costume with lightning accents, striking an action pose against a swirling blue galaxy backdrop. The background is filled with stars, creating a celestial atmosphere. Her eyes sparkle brightly as she raises one arm in a combat stance. She has white hair styled into a long, flowing mohawk that cascades down her back. Artwork in the style of Studio Ghibli

提示词: 圣斗士星矢风暴角色的经典动画场景,穿着黑色和银色的服装,在旋转的蓝色星系背景下摆出一个动作姿势。背景中布满了星星,营造出一种天象般的气氛。当她举起一只手臂摆出战斗姿势时,她的眼睛闪闪发光。她有一头长长的、飘逸的莫霍克发型,披在背上。吉卜力工作室风格的艺术品。

Prompt :A classic anime scene of the Saint Seiya character Loki, wearing his green and gold custom with trickster accents, striking an action pose against a swirling blue galaxy backdrop. The background is filled with stars, creating a celestial atmosphere. His eyes sparkle brightly as he raises one arm in a combat stance. He has black hair styled into short curly locks that flow softly around him. Artwork in the style of Studio Ghibli

提示词: 圣斗士星矢洛基角色的经典动画场景,穿着绿色和金色的服装,在旋转的蓝色星系背景下摆出一个动作姿势。背景中布满了星星,营造出一种天象般的气氛。当他举起一只手臂摆出战斗姿势时,他的眼睛闪闪发光。他把黑色的头发做成了卷曲的短发轻轻地环绕着他。吉卜力工作室风格的艺术品。

Prompt :A classic anime scene of the Saint Seiya character Scarlet Witch, wearing her red and pink costume with mystical accents, striking an action pose against a swirling blue galaxy backdrop. The background is filled with stars, creating a celestial atmosphere. Her eyes sparkle brightly as she raises one arm in a combat stance. She has auburn hair styled into long, wavy locks that flow beautifully around her. Artwork in the style of Studio Ghibli

提示词: 圣斗士星矢猩红女巫角色的经典动画场景,穿着带有神秘色彩的红粉色服装,在旋转的蓝色星系背景下摆出一个动作姿势。背景中布满了星星,营造出一种天象般的气氛。当她举起一只手臂摆出战斗姿势时,她的眼睛闪闪发光。她把赤褐色的头发做成波浪状的长发,美丽地环绕着她。吉卜力工作室风格的艺术品。

Prompt :A classic anime scene of the Saint Seiya character Iron Man, wearing his red and yellow armor with holographic accents, striking an action pose against a swirling blue galaxy backdrop. The background is filled with stars, creating a celestial atmosphere. His eyes sparkle brightly as he raises one arm in a combat stance. He has black hair styled into short curly locks that flow softly around him. Artwork in the style of Studio Ghibli

提示词: 圣斗士星矢中钢铁侠的经典动画场景,穿着红黄相间的全息盔甲,在旋转的蓝色星系背景下摆出动作姿势。背景中布满了星星,营造出一种天象般的气氛。当他举起一只手臂摆出战斗姿势时,他的眼睛闪闪发光。他把黑色的头发做成了卷曲的短发,轻轻地环绕着他。吉卜力工作室风格的艺术品




Stable Diffusion技术1 : 基础篇 | 进阶篇 | 插件篇 | ControlNet | 应用篇

Stable Diffusion技术2: SD工具| SDXL | Stable Cascade | SD3

Stable Diffusion模型大模型 | LORA模型 | 提示词 | 艺术风格|艺术特效

AI绘画工具AI绘画工具 | AI图片工具 | AI视频工具 | AI音频工具


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