AI 文摘


  • By AI123
  • February 1, 2024 - 2 min read

作者: Atman语言智能 来源: Atman语言智能


彭博社的一篇报道披露了 OpenAI 和微软与人形机器人公司 Figure 的融资谈判。该轮融资对Figure 的估值几乎为$ 2B 。想象一下 ChatGPT 有一个身体。实体人工智能将于 2024 年到来。

A report from Bloomberg revealed OpenAI and Microsoft’s funding talks with humanoid robotics company Figure.The round would value Figure at almost $2B.Imagine ChatGPT with a body. Embodied AI is coming in 2024.

关于人形机器人的笔记… 埃隆刚刚发布了特斯拉擎天柱散步的新视频。值得注意的是,正如@TeslaBotJournal所发现的那样,步行似乎是被远程控制的尽管如此,仍然令人印象深刻。

On the note of humanoid robots…Elon just posted a new video of Tesla Optimus going for a walk.Notably, as spotted by @TeslaBotJournal, it looks like the walk is being remote controlled (see guy in the back at.

埃隆·马斯克昨天还宣布,Neuralink 首次成功将其大脑芯片植入人体测试对象体内。Neuralink 的首款产品将被称为“Telepathy”,它将使瘫痪患者能够通过意念控制设备。

Elon Musk also announced yesterday that Neuralink successfully implanted its brain chip in a human test subject for the first time.Neuralink’s first product will be called ‘Telepathy’, which will enable paralyzed patients to control devices by thought.

腾讯研究人员刚刚发布了一篇论文,强调了多模式大模型的兴起。该论文分析了 26 个 MM-LLM,对基准进行了比较,并详细介绍了增强模型的“关键秘诀”。非常有趣的研究突出了最佳实践。

Tencent researchers just released a paper highlighting the rise of multimodal LLMs.The paper analyzed 26 MM-LLMs, comparing across benchmarks and detailing ‘key recipes’ for enhancing the models.Very interesting research highlighting best practices.

《纽约时报》正在组建一个“人工智能计划”团队,以构建用于报道和演示的生成式人工智能应用原型。值得注意的是:他们强调其新闻报道仍将是人类撰写的。尽管如此,在 OpenAI 诉讼中还是很有趣。

The New York Times is forming an “AI initiatives” team to prototype generative AI uses for reporting and presentation.Of note: They emphasize that its journalism will still be human-written.Still, interesting to see amidst the OpenAI lawsuit.

Yelp 刚刚推出了几项新的人工智能增强功能,包括人工智能生成的业务摘要和见解,以帮助用户快速了解对本地企业的期望。考虑到大量数据,这一举措很有意义。

Yelp just introduced several new AI enhancements, including AI-generated business summaries and insights to help users quickly understand what to expect from local businesses.With mass amounts of data, this move makes a lot of sense.

- 本文由爱特曼发布 -


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